Approximate time to read: 2 minutes.
A brief update on The Iron Pact and Symbaroum.
I have been REALLY busy over the last month with another project – specifically writing The Cthulhu Hack.
The Black Hack is a hugely successful, yet very simple, Old School fantasy game written by the talented David Black. I have used the basic mechanics / engine from the system and skinned it for use as a simple way to run investigative horror.
As well as writing the game, I have been busy running playtests with local gaming groups and promoting awareness of the game around the Internet. The playtest sessions have gone really well and I have received a lot of useful feedback. I will have limited numbers of physical copies of the game available for UK Games Expo – after that, I will be sourcing more, though possibly from a different printer.
You can grab a PDF copy of The Cthulhu Hack for $2.50 from RPGNow or DriveThruRPG.
UK Games Expo
Speaking of Expo, I have two games of Symbaroum running over the weekend of the event – just over two weeks away now. My Friday game is full, but I still have up to two spots available in my Sunday morning game Blood and Thorns. The game runs from 10am to 2pm, with a ticket costing £4 to play (plus your entry cost for the main event).
Firstly, thanks to those good souls who have taken the kind step of becoming patrons of The Iron Pact. This post isn’t one that will cost anything to those patrons – but the monies raised do mean I can spend the time on posts like The Korrigan and all those many lengthy articles that have come before it.
If you feel you can spare a $1 or more by becoming a patron, head over to Patreon and sign up. I really appreciate it.
Tweets Below
The continuing stream of encounters posted on The Iron Pact Twitter feed has completed the run through encounters in the forest and the city. Now, we dive into the depths of #below – whether beneath the homes of Ambria settlers or in ruinous caverns left by previous civilisations.
Seekers and plungers alike ploy the depths of Ambria and Davokar in search of virgin territory, fresh resources and, perhaps, a little treasure. If you’d like to contribute you can post your ideas through the form at the bottom of this article.
Thanks to Simon Taylor, Richard August, Johan and Isak for their contributions to date.
Symbaroum in French
Congratulations to the team at AKA Games for the phenomenally successful crowd-funding for the French translation of Symbaroum. I have been over to the AKA Games forum to say “Hi” and offer some words of ‘wisdom’. I’m happy to see that many people already read The Iron Pact – and I’m looking to having content translated into French (and other languages) in the not too distant future.
Hang in there. All good things to those who wait.
Ahem seems you forgot to credit me in the twitter feed about the downward forest…
You’ll be thanked next month