Approximate time to read: 1 minutes.
I am happy to add a new gathering of Mystical Treasures to the Symbaroum Resources page, contributed by Candacis (and previously posted on the Reddit Symbaroum forum). Find the link in the Treasures and Remnants section.
You can download the PDF and enjoy it yourself, although don’t smile too much when one of your player’s characters picks one up.
I’m most impressed by the potential of the Rose Gold Ring, which I think has all kinds of long term potential in play. I found my brain cells immediately working overdrive when I read this, as it contributes a source of information (akin to a Contact) with strings. Without the debt accumulated by the device, I would have said this almost justified an Experience spend (or Corruption) to activate because it is so much like a Contact.
I think it will be interesting to see how the Contact communicates with the wearer – it warrants a certain tone and perhaps an inflection or accent the character cannot immediately recognise – and how they might broach their circumstances. A player should certainly ponder the identity of their new informant, and weigh up the price for that information gleaned from their use of the Mystical Treasure.
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