Approximate time to read: 1 minutes.
The Iron Pact now has a newsletter feature, which you can sign up to for updates on new articles, events, random thoughts (that might not warrant a whole article) and warning of upcoming games I’m running – online or offline. You can find the sign-up form in the column on the right side of the site – headed What’s New.
Yes, I hope to have the opportunity to run some online games of Symbaroum in the not too distant future – and then, next year, I’ll continue to offer games alongside other systems I run at events. I had several people ask me at Dragonmeet about running games – so, it seemed like a good idea to provide a way to offer advanced warning to those that have an interest.
I won’t use the newsletter for any purpose other than the updates described, which will come to you with variable frequency. You have the option, at any time, to cancel the newsletter subscription – just follow the link in the sign up email.
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