Approximate time to read: 1 minutes.
To celebrate the digital release of Symbar – Mother of Darkness – part 4 of The Throne of Thorns sequence – Free League has made the Core Rules for Symbaroum free for 24-hours through DriveThruRPG.
Yes – FREE!
The Symbaroum Core Rulebook offers all you need to start adventuring in the dark fantasy world of corruption and ancient terrors. The 264-page book includes a 70+ page section outlining the people, places, locations and threats of the northern realm of Ambria, as well as hinting at the horrors lurking in the great forest of Davokar.
The book contains everything you’d expect of a modern RPG, simple rules with strong mechanical ties to the theme of the game (notably corruption and the threat of death to the unwary). You have character creation, key archetypes, combat, magic, a selection of creatures and pages of special abilities for friend and adversary alike. The book rounds out with an adventure that sees you voyage through the Mountain Pass at the heart of the Titans.
You can read a longer – and oftentimes quoted – review (by me, way back at the start of 2016) of the Symbaroum Core Rulebook on Geeknative.
“The simple system and rich setting, thick with dark and evocative imagery, makes this a worthy consideration for new and experienced gamers alike.”
– Paul Baldowski, GeekNative
And if you take the plunge and grab the Core today, you can spend the money you saved on another book, like the excellent Advanced Player’s Guide – which expands the options for character creation, adds another archetype, provides more magic, amasses further equipment, and even allows you to play as a dwarf or one of the Ambrian dead.
Don’t delay – pick up the Symbaroum Core Rulebook today for FREE!
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