Approximate time to read: 1 minutes.
Free League has taken on the handling of sales for all of the PDFs of their products, and with the Järnringen merger that means Symbaroum, too. The Symbaroum PDFs were offline for a little while – but, now they’ve returned and with a complete Symbaroum PDF range that includes all of the latest releases.
I’m especially happy to see the Symbaroum Monster Codex and the Adventure Locations, as I had a hand in creating elements of both and they’re also fantastic books.
The Monster Codex contains twenty-seven new creatures, but also a horde of common adversaries and beasts that greatly expands the basic templates you can access for filling out common NPC roles. I was getting a little tired using Cult Leader or Queen’s Ranger again and again with slight modifications when I wanted to shorthand a new non-player character.
Adventure Locations adds three new adventures to your arsenal – a must-have for any Gamemaster seeking to fill out a campaign, slotting in minor encounters and exploits between the greater milestones of the ongoing Throne of Thorns campaign.
Also well worth checking out if you haven’t visited since the merger, the Fria Ligan website now has the Symbaroum Downloads restored, including a whole range of free products and handouts.
On the Nature of Davokar continues to be a solid handout to players, offering an immediate in-character appreciation of the dangers in the great dark forest to the north. In addition, the essential intelligence Report-220108 provides glimpses of the lands beyond Ambria and the potential threats or bounties therein.
The Download section also contains a reminder of the hole in your collection – the handouts for The Copper Crown. Yes, you can get The Mark of the Beast and the Tomb of Dying Dreams separately, but the physical softback of The Copper Crown has gone. Sold out at Modiphius, you can find some secondhand copies on Amazon or set a search reminder on eBay!
For the next couple of weeks (until Saturday, October 27, 2018) you can get everything from the Free League PDF catalogue, including Symbaroum, at 25% OFF.
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