Approximate time to read: 1 minutes.
A couple of brief updates, with no new articles here until March.
The Sleepless Path Released
As mentioned earlier this month, you can now access the expanded and formatted version of The Sleepless Path as a “living document”. If I make any updates, they’ll always appear through the same link – so, you may come back in future and find more content provided.
On that note, if you become a Seeker level supporter of The Iron Pact Patreon campaign, you will have access to the extended document of The Sleepless Path, including an additional 14 encounter ideas in the table at the end – and with more content to come that won’t appear in the general access document.
The Monster Codex
If you haven’t read the latest Kickstarter update from the Järnringen team, you may well have missed the mention of my name.
It looks like there will be three landscapes (written by Paul Baldowski and Mattias Johnsson)
Serious company to have there inside that brace of brackets. No pressure; but, this is the reason that I have been a little slow on updates to The Iron Pact network and to the Patreon. I want to give this challenge and opportunity all the time it deserves, so pardon my period of relative silence.
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